We’ve been busy at Employment Connection! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn for all of the latest info on our programs and events. And if you're not already receiving our monthly newsletter in your inbox, click here to sign up.
Here's just some of what Employment Connection has been up to since our last newsletter.
WIOA Endless Opportunities Brunch

Lots of young folks came out to the Missouri Career Center to learn about our Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) Program. This program provides opportunities for job training and placement for out-of-school youth and young adults ages 16 to 24. If you’d like to learn more, contact our WIOA Program Manager at (314) 615-6052.

The Dutchtown Opportunity Coalition for Youth (DOCY) introduced itself to kids from across Dutchtown, Gravois Park, and Mount Pleasant. The youngsters were treated to food, a live magic show, and prize giveaways. We were pleased to tell them about programs we already offer for youth and to get their input on what kind of activities and programs they’d like to see in their neighborhoods.
DOCY provides opportunities for at-risk youth ages 10–17 in the Greater Dutchtown area. The program is funded by ARCHS, the Dana Brown Charitable Trust, the Incarnate Word Foundation, and the United Way of Greater St. Louis. For more information about DOCY, contact Caitlyn Dorion at dorionc@employmentstl.org.
Solar Panel Installation Training

Our next Solar Panel Installation Training cohort begins soon! We offer paid training to help clients start a career in the green jobs workforce. The training includes our World of Work job readiness program, OSHA 10 certification, and hands-on solar panel installation classes. Contact Sal Martinez at 314-333-5622 or martinezs@employmentstl.org to learn more and register.
Winter Clothing and Holiday Toy Giveaways
Employment Connection has been all over St. Louis in December, helping the community with warm clothing, holiday toys and gifts, household items, and more. We thank the many partners who have helped make these events possible.

Our Wells-Goodfellow/Hamilton Heights Cure Violence Team was out providing coats, gloves, hats, and more to our neighbors on the North Side. The team also hosted their second annual toy giveaway just before the holidays.

Once again, we partnered with Blattel and Associates to collect toys and donations for the children of our clients. Sal and Will of Team EC picked up a truckload of gifts in early December. We thank the Blattels for their ongoing support of our client families every year.

We were proud to sponsor the 12th & Park Toy Giveaway in LaSalle Park and Peabody Darst Webbe, organized by Marty Joe Murray and EC team member Samir. Santa and friends brought joy to dozens of kids in the neighborhood.

Our Cure Violence and DOCY teams in Dutchtown helped with the annual Dutchtown Adopt-a-Family distribution led by Cross Grand and Dutchtown Main Streets. Volunteers gathered at St, Mary’s High School to pack up toys, household needs, food, and more to provide for South Side families in need.

We also distributed toys at our Headquarters on Market Street, our Cure Violence Office in Wells-Goodfellow/Hamilton Heights, and at the Al Chappelle Community Center for neighbors in Peabody-Darst-Webbe and LaSalle Park.
Year-End Giving
As 2022 winds down, we hope you’ll consider contributing to Employment Connection to help us get a running start into 2023. Our generous donors make our programs possible and help break down barriers to self-sufficiency for people with limited opportunities. You can learn how to contribute at employmentstl.org/donate or click the button below to make a financial contribution now.
There's much more going on at Employment Connection! Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to stay up to date with all of our programs and events in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, and St. Clair County.
If you're not already receiving our monthly newsletter in your inbox, click here to sign up.