Hello DOCY Families and Supporters! We hope your 2024 is off to a good start! In this New Year, we have a lot of new opportunities and resources to share… take a look!

We moved! Our DOCY team is happy to be sharing space at the Thomas Dunn Learning Center located in Marquette Park. We are also excited about our new outreach opportunities with partner agencies: effective February 2024, DOCY will spend Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Carondelet Park Rec Complex YMCA engaging with youth in the Teen Hub (you do not have to be a member), and soon we will be hosting teen nights at Thomas Dunn Learning Center. Come hang out with us!
Farewell, Ms. Lauren!

Join us in wishing Ms. Lauren good luck in her next journey. Lauren joined the DOCY team in May of 2023, and we have enjoyed working alongside her. If you have any questions on how this may affect you as a DOCY family, please contact Caitlyn at dorionc@employmentstl.org.
Video Game Tournament: Fight Game Community Night

Join DOCY at Thomas Dunn Learning Center on Friday, March 8th for a video game tournament featuring fight game favorites like Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and Tekken! In addition to prizes for tournament winners, there will also be attendance prizes, snacks, and drinks. Come on out from 6pm to 8pm!
Youth Ambassador Program

This year, Dutchtown Opportunity Coalition for Youth is launching a new opportunity for 14–17-year-olds—DOCY Youth Ambassadors! DOCY is seeking high school teenagers to serve as DOCY Ambassadors. Ambassadors will participate in a youth “Think Tank” to plan and promote youth events and initiatives that serve youth ages 10–17 from the Dutchtown, Gravois Park, and Mount Pleasant neighborhoods. Youth will assist the DOCY staff with community engagement, event organizing, general program marketing, enrollment tracking, and administrative work.
This group will have the opportunity to create meaningful impact in their community with youth voice! Our Ambassadors will meet once a month (with food, of course) and will earn incentives for successful events and youth engagement. This is a very exciting new opportunity for any youth who would like to be involved in their community and provide safe spaces for other youth. To participate, please complete this online application.
We will also have paid part-time opportunities for up to four youths in this group to lead and take on additional tasks at $15 an hour.
Gateway Go Pass

The City of St. Louis, in partnership with Metro Transit, is working to expand public transit options for 3,000 St. Louis youth ages 13–25 by providing free passes for MetroLink and MetroBus through December 2024. Thanks to a partnership with SLATE, DOCY has a limited number of passes to give to our clients. Passes are eligible for city residents who are 13–25 with a household income below $69,090. Contact a DOCY staff member to set an appointment before passes are gone!
Winter Coat Drive

We are continuing to accept coat donations for youth 10-17 and have multiple drop-off locations. Coats can be donated at The Original Crusoe’s, Creative Expressions, Flowers and Weeds, Thomas Dunn Learning Center, Carondelet Park Rec Complex YMCA, and Your Place Diner. Additionally, if you need a coat, we have a limited number of various sizes—just contact us to set up a time to look.
Above, DOCY Outreach Specialist Vincent helped Delarion, father of a DOCY client, acquire coats and a Gateway Go Pass for his son!
Summer Employment for Teens

If you or your teen is looking for summer employment, now is the time to start preparing! DOCY can help with resources for résumé writing, applying for jobs, and preparing for interviews. We have a number of partners who employ youth or provide paid job training experiences! Contact a DOCY staff member to get started.
Have you checked out what the Carondelet Park Rec Complex YMCA offers for teens?

Underwater Drones Wednesdays at 5pm—FREE!
Explore engineering through designing and building an underwater drone! No experience is necessary, only interest. Clubs end with a family event to showcase and fly drones at one of the YMCA pools! Sign up here.
Teens Sunday Night Kickball Sundays at 6pm—FREE!
Sunday Night Kickball consists of participants ages 13–19 who want to have a platform where they can set goals, participate in a game of kickball, and work through topics that will help them reach their full potential. They have building access in the Teen Hub and Basketball Courts from 6:00pm to9:00pm every Sunday night with the exception of major holiday weekends. This is a free program available to both teen members and non-member teens of our community. Sign up here.
Youth Group Tuesdays at 4:30pm—FREE!
Tuesday Night Youth Group consists of participants ages 12–16 who want to have a platform where they can set goals, participate in activities, and work through topics that will help them reach their full potential. They have building access in the Teen Hub, Basketball Courts, from 4:30pm–5:30pm every Tuesday night, with the exception of major holidays. Sign up here.
Finding Your Future Series

Join us in our Finding Your Future Series. DOCY will be hosting a series of workshops to help high school students figure out what is next. All workshops will take place at Thomas Dunn Learning Center and offer light refreshments and attendance prizes. For more info, contact Caitlyn Dorion at (314) 766-2853 or dorionc@employmentstl.org.
Scholarship Foundation Presentation on FAFSA
Tuesday, February 27 at 6:00pm
This workshop explains the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), including the part it plays in the application process and why it is important to complete the form accurately and submit it as early as possible when seeking financial aid.
Working In Trades
Wednesday, March 20 at 5:30pm
Join us in learning what working in professional trade programs looks like. We will have representatives from the Missouri Department of Conservation, Grabber School of Hair Design, and Associated General Contractors to share personal experiences and explain pathways to careers in conservation, cosmetology, and construction.

Jayion, a DOCY teen, was able to get helpful information to assist him in his pursuit of higher education with the help of DOCY Outreach Specialist Vincent and our Scholarship Foundation partners at our first Finding Your Future workshop earlier this month.
Gravois Park Easter Eggstravaganza

Meet us in Gravois Park for the Easter Eggstravaganza led by the Gravois Park Neighborhood Association! We're excited to participate in this annual tradition again. Kids can hunt for eggs and get free photos with the Easter Bunny along with tons of other fun family activities. The event is on Saturday, March 30th from 11am to 1pm, with the Easter Egg Hunt beginning at noon.
St. Louis Tax Assistance Program
The St. Louis Tax Assistance Program (TAP) provides no-cost tax preparation assistance for qualified taxpayers. Household income must be under $64,000 for 2023 to qualify for services. Other restrictions may apply. Services are available on Wednesday at Thomas Dunn Learning Center and Saturdays at St. Mary’s South Side Catholic High School. Appointments are required—book yours here. TAP will provide assistance through April 10, 2024.